Never keep these 6 gemstones without a healer’s guidance

Never keep these 6 gemstones without a healer’s guidance

Mostly Gemstones are the good luck charms that are associated with the planets of the solar system. If worn properly gemstones can bring prosperity and development to your life and if not then it can ruin your life too. Gemstones have several negative effects, even popular and trustworthy ones too. So you must follow a healer’s guidance before you choose any gemstone for yourself.

Some of the popular gemstones that can make or mar your life are:





Blue Sapphire


Apart from their positive healthy and wealthy effects, these luck stones have several deadly negative effects too. You must know them before buying them.


Ruby is the gemstone that represents Sun. It has a wide range of positive effects if worn properly. This is the stone of wisdom and glory. The position of the sun in your horoscope decides if you should wear ruby or not. But wearing it without any expert’s advice can provide you several health issues and disturbances.

Read about Gemstones for love, money, health, and peace


Pearl is the gemstone known for peace and prosperity. It has lots of positive effects and it keeps your mind calm too. But if it doesn’t suit you then it may harm you in several aspects. It can raise your anger issues instead of decreasing them. It can affect your behavior and make you restless too.


Emerald is one of the most powerful good luck stones. It has lots of powers and abilities to change your life in a good way. But if used in the wrong method and doesn’t suit you, then it can create a disaster in your life. It can provide you mental stress. You can lose your mental balance and get distracted by small issues and lose your actual focus and goal.



Coral is the gemstone that represents the planet, Mars. It is one of the strongest and effective. It can create your career to a different extent. But if Coral doesn’t suit you it can provide you lots of headaches. It can snatch your politeness and make you aggressive. You can become violent and irritated in small matters. Even it lets you harm yourself too.

People also reading about The difference between Gemstones and Crystals

Blue sapphire

The blue sapphire is related to Saturn and Saturn comes up with lots of power. You should never wear a cracked Blue sapphire. It may anger Lord Shani and can destroy your life to the worst. And it can bring you long term illness, depression, debt losses, etc. It may cause you disturbance in both of your personal and professional life. You must check if the sapphire stone touches your skin properly. If it doesn’t, it can bring negative vibes to your life.

Blue sapphire


If a Diamond doesn’t suit you must remove it the very moment. Diamond is a very strong gemstone. It can cause you several side effects like health issues, nightmares, skin irritation and problems, pale complexion, sexual problems, diabetes, and many more.

So these 6 gemstones should never be worn without any healer’s guidance because it can ruin your life like worst.

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